Our Vision

Our Mission

To be ready and flexible to the assignments God has for us. God has assignments for us, just as He did for Jesus on his way to a destination. Our response to God’s assignments will always be yes.

To teach, preach, and train believers, and non believers, with schools, street ministry, and outreaches.

What is Today Ministries?

We formed the nonprofit organization known as “Today Ministries” after returning from our second assignment to Ireland. We saw a strong need for Bible schools and training programs for local people in the nations and we wanted to establish an entity that could be the conduit to build them.

Why Today Ministries?

When we returned the second time from living on the mission field, I felt like we needed to press in and search for what went wrong, why we needed to come home. In my frustration, I (Dave) asked the Lord, what am I? I was a missionary and I was a pastor but now, what am I?

God is so good to us and helps us in so many ways. I started to see some things as I prayed. Like a vision, I saw a round table full of people. They were well known ministers from time’s past. As I was looking at all the faces, I saw Jesus walk into the room and nervousness filled the place. Jesus, with love, touched everyone’s shoulder one by one, saying one word which was what they were. The definition of their call. He said to one, “My pastor,” to another, “My evangelist,” to another, “My prophet,” and so on. Everyone was filled with joy when He called out their callings. As Jesus got closer to me, I was filled with excitement to hear what I was. As He put His hands on my shoulders, He said, “My obedient.” Everyone’s Smiling faces were immediately gone as they wished that was the word Jesus used for them. Instantly, I heard on the inside, I called you to be obedient before I’ve called you to anything else. I replied by saying, “What am I suppose to do, ask every day what my assignment is?” Instantly a light bulb went off and we formed Today Ministries.

Our Testimonies

Dave Turbett

At a young age I was raised in church, but as I grew to my teen years I saw myself being pulled away by the world. When I was 16, my mother passed away suddenly, and on that day I went into her bedroom to pray and smell her pillow one last time. See one year prior she was filled with the Holy Ghost and her life was changed so much that I knew without a doubt where she was. So I called out to God and asked Him if he would come get me before I died just like He saved my mom. I had a firm confidence that He heard me.  From that day forward, I lived life wide open. Cheating death, as they say, over and over. Thank the Lord He sets angels over us even when we are rebellious. Three accounts in my life pointed to the day I was supposed to die. When I was 12, my friend and I figured out how to ask an eight ball questions to narrow the answers down to the age we would be when we died. Mine was 22. Second account, I was 17 years old when I broke a girls heart and her sister was into witchcraft. She put a curse on me and said I would die when I was 22. The third account, I was 19 and my friends convinced me to ask a ouija board questions and when I did it said kill Dave. My friend asked when I would die and it spelled 22.

January 1 1997, three months before I turned 22, I was sitting alone in my house watching a news channel talking about Hale-Bopp comet’s approach when I heard a voice behind me, like it was in the wall, say “Last call”. I knew exactly what that meant. I rushed out into my driveway and went to my knees calling out to God to save me.

May 3rd of that same year, I had a motorcycle accident that two doctors said I shouldn’t have survived. I am confident that was the devils plan all along but God had a greater plan. I’ve never looked back. I’ve been sold out for God ever since.

Leigh Ann Turbett

In 1996, I decided it was time to get serious about my walk with God. I had been born again and baptized as a child but had walked away during my teenage years and made a huge mess of my life. God was so loving and merciful and helped me put my life back together. I met Dave in 1998 and we married in 1999. We always had ministry in our hearts and served in our local church faithfully, but didn’t step into our calling until 2015 when we attended Bible school and then accepted our first assignment as missionaries. We moved to Ireland in 2017 and served there until 2019. Since then, we’ve responded to various other assignments, traveling in and out of the U.S. as the Lord leads us. It’s been an amazing experience and such a blessing to be used by God however He sees fit.